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Sani-Flush Public Schools
March 10, 2022

Scott's Plan to Restructure the Public School System

Scott's 10 Point Plan

  1. Replace the Governor as Superintendent of Public Schools with an Elected Superintendent.
  2. Break off ties with Federal Department Of Education (DOE).
  3. Make OR Director of Education an Elected Position.
  4. Remove ALL current CRT, 1619 Project, Sex Ed, Alphabet People materials from curriculum.
  5. Teach Original Intent CIVICS Classes per current statutory law.
  6. Remove legislatively any law that protects Board Members or Superintendents from being sued and/or fired.
  7. Uphold Constitutional and Statutory laws that give parent’s the right to choose healthcare decisions for their child.
  8. Remove ALL abortion rights education and teach abstinence and birth control to High School students only.
  9. Eliminate Diversity Training and replace with Mandatory Civics Classes with emphasis on the Bill of Rights for both US and Oregon Constitutions for all teachers and staff.
  10. Strike the phrase sexual orientation from all discrimination statutes. Until this Plan is implemented, get your kids OUT of the public school system. There are many alternative plans available now and you can start one in your own community very easily. In Oregon, parents can Homeschool, Private School and a viable and inexpensive 3rd option, POD Schools. Go to for more information on how you can place your child in a class with a certified teacher with other students and parents who think like you do.
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