Not long after those disastrous days of July 1-3, 1863, a local resident of Gettysburg commented that Gettysburg would become a place of national pilgrimage. She was right - more than 2 million tourists visit these fields every year. If you haven't been here before, you are in for - what we believe will be - a life-changing class. If you have been to Gettysburg, you already know the power of that place.
Most come for a cursory visit; you however will be here long enough to really understand what happened those catastrophic - or perhaps most glorious - days in American history. We hope that you'll find this class not only helpful in your own leadership development, but also in your spiritual growth.
As Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain commented, Gettysburg is a "vision-place for the soul." Its fields bear witness a thousand times over to the power behind those words of Jesus, who said "Greater love had no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13)."